Friday, June 30, 2006

long wait

i know it's been a long wait for you guys
sorry for didn't get to update my blog more often, he he...

x x x x x

it's so sweet that there are still so many people remember my birthday
early in the morning my msn already keep blinking, ha ha
thanks guys! really appreciate that

this year's bigger surprise is one of the presents that i've got
something that i did not expected at all... an iPod Nano!!! \(^0^)/

because of that, another friend of mine was forced to give me 2 Podstar iPod casing for free
what a fruitful birthday, wa ha ha ha...

x x x x x

went to a blues pub in Clark Quey last week
been there few years ago, and it's still rocks
the live band there plays superb blues music
the only set back is that i dun hv much money, so can only afford to drink beer...

the place is called Crazy Elephane, highly recommended

Friday, June 16, 2006


之前听同事说普通检查只需30元左右 还赞叹便宜至斯
到了诊所 被告知须付87大元时 当场呆滞
接受信用卡吗? 对不起只接受现款
她也很亲切谅解的给于指点 并说我可以检查过后再去提款

检查完毕 马上到所指点的位置
只好硬着头皮打电话给我老板 向他借50元应急
时不与我 他竟然忘了带钱包 另一位同事也没有足够现款

在这叫天不应 叫地不灵 万念倶灰之际
老板电来说 可以向公司会计部预支
还好公司就在附近 马上走了回去领了那50大元

如此窘境 平生首遭

Thursday, June 08, 2006

one leg kicking

started the new job, it's very exciting coz i'll have to do everything...
typical 'wrap sea wrap mountain' job, he he...

it's been so long that i didn't lay my hands on print media stuff
and now i'll have to do the brainstorming, sketches, concept, visual, design then FA all by myself
that's pretty jialat actually, coz i've returned most of these things to the lecturers

why didn't the dooms day come on the 06.06.06?

p/s: consolation is i got a 3-pcs speakers with sub-woofer... nobody wants it and it's abandoned at the corner. sure it's weird, just like nobody wants the 21" monitor when i was in ex-company...

Monday, June 05, 2006


no speakers... sucks
using 15" monitor... sucks
using windows 2000... sucks
lots of shits to clean up... sucks
hv to do print media design... sucks
had terrible lunch 3 days in a row... sucks
it takes 126 steps, 62 sec, for me to reach the toilet from my seat... sucks
no t-shirt and jeans... sucks biggest time!!!
gotta be a rebel again... he he...

Friday, June 02, 2006


just started new job, also started new life in singapore.
first impression?... the food sucks!

first day of work, woke up early just to test out the travel time needed
reached office too early, so went to coffee shop for breakfast while waiting

after meeting the boss, went down for tea with him again
first day of work with stomach full of tea...

everything is comparatively cheap. eg,
- breakfast: tea-c on the rock + carrot cake = $1.60 (wah!)
- lunch: prawn mee (worse prawn mee i'd ever tried) + 100+ = $3.50
- dinner: mix rice (2 vege 1 meat) = $2.20 (wah! wah!)

it's very convenient life here
everywhere is accessible by MRT and bus. i can take both to get to office
and the traffic is damn so smooth... even when i took bus back at 7pm
MRT station is just 10mins walk from my place
and swimming pool is also 10mins walk

libraries are everywhere and accessible
there's one near my place, just 1 stop away from the MRT station at my place
and there's another one just 5 mins walk from my office!

oh ya, and it's full of events here...
namely big big sales, art fest, CG seminar, PC show, movie fest, etc etc...
it's so damn nice...